Comic Relief

Comic Relief

Comic Relief
Project title

Rethinking donations for the future

Product designUser research
Comic Relief are one of the UK’s most well-known charities. Their Red Nose Day event is the mainstay of their fundraising and continues to raise millions each year. As behaviour around TV shifts towards on-demand and streaming I worked with Comic Relief to rethink their approach and future-proof their organisation for the next generation of donors.

The challenge

We wanted to address the issue of falling TV viewership and appeal to a new generation of donors. We recognised that Comic Relief had never offered a way to give on a regular basis.

Cross-org collaboration

We engaged team members from across the organisation in a series of workshops and sketching sessions and built cross-functional teams that gave us the right mix of skills and experience.

We explored 100s of new income-generating ideas. Ideation workshops engaged people from across the org, allowing us to see the problem from many viewpoints

Kick-off workshop bringing people from across the org together
Kick-off workshop bringing people from across the org together
The fruits of a collaborative ideation workshop
The fruits of a collaborative ideation workshop
Several proposition sketches, presented to users during interviews
Several proposition sketches, presented to users during interviews

Co-designed with donors

In our research we learned from donors and non-donors across a range of socio-economic backgrounds. Through one-on-one interviews we began to understand their behaviours around charitable giving and fundraising. We used co-design exercises making donors active partners in the design process.

One of several co-design exercises created to learn what matters most
One of several co-design exercises created to learn what matters most
A responsive donation widget
A responsive donation widget
A landing page for a new community of monthly givers.
A landing page for a new community of monthly givers.


Samantha Oldham · Product Manager Sam Judge · Product Designer Kate McGranaghan · Donor Acquisitions Manager

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